Falline Liner Services
Dependable and Punctual Cargo Transport
Our fleet, equipped with cutting-edge technology, is your reliable partner in cargo transportation. We handle diverse cargo, from steel products to oversized items like industrial machinery. Our heavy-lift capabilities at select ports ensure that even the most substantial loads are easily accommodated.
Regular Sailings to Suit Your Schedule
With over 50 annual sailings from North Europe to the St. Lawrence River and Great Lakes, our fleet of nearly 50 vessels meets your shipping needs with consistency and frequency.
Flexible Port Options for Optimal Convenience
Choose from a variety of primary loading and regular discharge ports to fit your logistical requirements. Our HWY H2O membership highlights our commitment to enhancing regional transportation and promoting the Great Lakes/Seaway System.
Six Decades of Service Excellence
Our tradition of surpassing customer expectations testifies to our dedication to service and reliability. We’re committed to fostering growth and maintaining our reputation for excellence.
Premier Ice-Class Fleet for the Great Lakes
Fednav boasts the world’s most extensive collection of modern handysize laker vessels, most of which hold ice-class status. Managed to the highest standards, our fleet ensures dependable service while prioritizing environmental stewardship.
Championing Environmental Responsibility
We take our role in environmental conservation seriously, ensuring the sustainability of the oceans and communities we serve. We are proud to be founding members of Green Marine, a voluntary environmental certification program of the North American maritime community.